The Lowdown on Penis Pumps & Extenders
One would think Penis Pumps and Penis Enlargement gear is only about men wanting enhanced penises. Well, yes, for some; however, others use them to help with Erectile Dysfunction and, thus, self-esteem. Most enlargement tools are pretty effective, but there is more to know.
The majority of men, at some stage or another, have considered penis enlargement. The bad news for those wanting the porn star dangling digit is that there are few proven ways to extend your length long-term. However, we do have several quality products that provide a temporary adjustment and, according to online reviews, longer-lasting results. The secret is to get the right product, an exercise routine, and stick to it.
Different penis enlargers function in different ways - and frankly, some are to be avoided. Be careful to only go for high-grade goods - you do not want to mess with your crown jewels!
Let's peruse penis pumps and extenders in more depth.
Penis Pumps
Fans of the penis pumps say that this method is easier than stretching by hand and can, with prolonged use, extend the length of your penis by an inch or more.
Fans go on to say that this method can also help you raise and maintain erections.
Most penis pumps work in roughly the same way – they create a slight vacuum in a cylinder around the penis. This vacuum draws more blood to the tissues in the penis, expanding and stiffening it.
In the short term, our reviewers report greater girth and length immediately after use. Some prefer the traditional air penis pumps, while others swear by the Bathmate penis pump range, which uses water to create the vacuum. Whichever you try, we think you will quickly agree that penis pumps are a satisfactory way to enlarge your digit.

BathMate Hydromax Penis Pumps
Trusted by thousands worldwide for rigid and impressive erections, Bathmate Pumps gives you that little bit extra to your penis that will make you stand proud.
Penis Enlargers / Extenders
One of the best methods for penis augmentation is Extenders, which gradually "stretch" the penis - the results can be semi-permanent or permanent, depending on your body and diligence. While your manhood is in ‘traction’, multiple tiny ‘tears’ are caused in the tissue using a method similar to how weightlifters build muscle.
Penis enlargement kits are either basic - just the standard traction unit, or more elaborate - including extra bits & bobs and instruction DVDs. Male Edge penis extenders and Men's Locker penis enhancers are two of our most sought-after brands for penis lengthening.
In other words, if you feel your manhood could do with a few extra cms, we reckon any of our products will have you beaming!