Fun Facts About Penis Enlargement
Many men feel that they would benefit from a larger penis, yet there are some surprising facts about your manhood's enlargement that you might not know.Â
What's Normal in Penis Size?
Research shows the norm is ten centimetres when flaccid and 12-14 cm when standing proud.
To Go Under the Knife, or Not to Go
A lot of people supposedly in the know say going under the knife is the surest way to grow your penis. If you're prepared to put up with the pain, the downtime, and going under the knife twice, surgery is worth considering. However, phalloplasty is not always the best option because it's excruciating and expensive, and there are two procedures - the first for the length and second other for the girth.
Topical Is Better
Oral supplements, such as Vitamins E and C, have beneficial penis-growth properties.However, most of these are used up by other body parts before reaching your penis. Applying creams directly to your manhood is more effective as they are absorbed primarily into and thus maximised by the targeted tissue.
Jelqing: Does it Work?

We cannot vouch for jelqing, but some men swear by it. Massaging and pulling your penis three times a week for 15-20 minutes can, we are told, increase its length. This is because it increases the blood flow to your penis, which encourages the spongy tissue there to expand.Â
As per Healthline: "Some people say it can make erections last longer and help the penis appear thicker or longer, but research supporting this claim remains very limited", so we cannot add more value to this, unfortunately.
Smoking Makes it Smaller
As proven by research, smoking reduces blood flow to the penis and consequently can shorten it by up to one cm. You have a decision to make!
Penis Shame
In a 2013 edition of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, 30% of British men questioned were unhappy with the size of their members, even though no standard was set. They just wanted bigger, no matter their present size!
Pumps Can Work Over Time
Penis pumps - using a vacuum to encourage blood flow to the penis - can work in the short term, but it is debatable whether they have long-term effects. Pumps are really beneficial, however, for men with Erectile Dysfunction.
Penile Extenders Work
There is clinical evidence to suggest that penile extenders do work. Consistent use has resulted in some men growing by up to 30% in size!
The Method Behind Extenders
Extenders apply low tension levels to the penile shaft and tissue, encouraging two physiological processes: hyperplasia and ligament stretching.

Is when consistent stretching (stress) multiplies the cells to compensate for stress the tissue is under.
Stretching Ligaments
Extenders stretch the ligaments at the bottom of your penis - achieving in practice what the knife promises in surgery.
We've Got the Goods
If you're keen to put your tool to the test, we have encouraging penis extenders and pumps collection for your perusal. Visit our site to see what tickles your fancy!