Most women start doing Kegel exercises to prepare for childbirth, or to recover muscle tone afterward. The PC muscles are really important both during pregnancy and during natural birth. Did you know they come in handy while you are actually pregnant? Indeed they do: the PC muscles form a sort of sling that holds your uterus, bladder, lower bowel and vaginal wall all neatly in your pelvis. When you’re carrying the weight of a brand new human being in your uterus, it needs all the help it can get.
What about the Orgasms?
With such an important job to do, your PC muscles deserve a lot of attention. Weak PC muscles can lead to fatigue, lower back pain, incontinence, hernias, and pain during sex. Strong PC muscles correct all those problems, and they give one more really fantastic bonus: mind blowing orgasms. That’s right: we said mind blowing!
Ladies, we are here to tell you that you can go from non-orgasmic to enjoying absolutely toe-curling, spine-tingling orgasms, if you give those PC muscles a regular workout.
Research has shown that many non-orgasmic women have weak PC muscles. Strengthening those muscles with Kegels made them able to experience orgasm more easily and frequently. And the stronger the muscles, the stronger the orgasms. Now that’s an exercise reward we can really get behind!
How do I do Kegel Exercises?
You can do Kegels very simply by contracting, holding, and then releasing those muscles (pretend you’re trying to hold in a pee then let go... yep, just like that). Doing those contractions regularly while driving, at work, doing dishes, or in the queue at the bank will get you started on the road to orgasmic bliss. So why aren’t you doing them right now?

You heard us, right? Orgasmic bliss! Contract, girl, contract!
Of course, thanks to some fantastic designers, there are several amazing Kegel exercisers on the market that can help you get those muscles toned in no time. From the basic to the app-driven, there’s the perfect tool for every gal, whether you’re a PC-newbie or a Kegels pro!
Je Joue and Lelo have made life easy with their Kegel ball sets that adapt as your muscles get stronger. Start out with the beginner-sized ball, and ‘graduate’ to the next size and weight as you feel your muscles strengthening and toning.

Plus, with a bit of practice, you can contract around your partner in ways that will send him into orbit with pleasure. And that’s not all! As your muscles get stronger, you’ll find that just contracting, holding and releasing (which, of course, exercises them further) can get you in the mood for a sexy session, and bring you close to orgasm before the main act has even started.
Now go get your workout on, girl!
PS: Confused about the difference between PC and Kegels? PC stands for pubococcygeus, which is the scientific name of this awesome cradle of love. Kegel exercises, named after the doctor who developed them, are the exercises you use to strengthen your PC muscle.